Once all 5 players have arrived, we will run everyone through a quick Tutorial to familiarize everyone with their controller, moving around their station and how to use our gameboard.
It is our suggestion that you play for 30min, take a break and then play for another 30min but it is up to the host to decide whether you play all 60min or split it.
We provide a table and seats, a Happy Birthday Banner & Table cloth. We are happy for you to bring drinks and food. We have a fridge you can use to keep things cold whilst playing.
*We do NOT allow splitting of time in the headset - the Original 5 players will play the full hour no exceptions.
**Parties can only be booked to start after 2pm.
***Minimum age is 8years old for Party Booking.
****You must run on time for your booking as there maybe bookings after you (we run a time slotted booking system).